Friday, 30 April 2010

Human electrons

Today I got a bus to a GP surgery.

Busses and surgery waiting rooms have something in common which baffles, saddens and amuses me. When people get on a bus, they don't just get on and sit down. Oh no, once they have their ticket their eyes are skimming around carefully calculating where they can sit to be as far away from any other passengers as possible. People getting on busses are like human electrons, repelling each other and strategically positioning themselves at optimum distance apart. Each row is carefully filled with a single passenger until, heaven forbid, someone will have to sit next to someone else (and even then they often prefer to go upstairs). Then, once seated, eyes frantically try not to make contact with each other. The doctors surgery is much the same, eyes darting around, everyone wondering what's wrong with everyone else.

I find this all rather odd. Now don't get me wrong...I'm quite sure most of the people on buses are very friendly, but that's just it?!. It's like we've got so used to this bizarre behaviour and accepted it as norm.

That's why I love children and old people. You can always count on the baby in the waiting room to get the people cooing, or the toddler to point and ask questions loudly and whenever I meet an elderly person at a bus stop they always have a tale to tell.

I think this is great.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Yesterday, I said I would Until the time had passed

This little poem pretty much sums it up...

Procrastination is my sin

It brings me naught but sorrow.

I know that I should stop it

In fact, I will tomorrow.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Flutter by

This week has zoomed past!

All in all it's been a pretty good one. I now know a lot more about synovial joints, osteoclasts and rheumatoid arthritis, which is always a good thing.

More importantly I enjoyed a lovely picnic on the meadows this week. The meadows look great at the moment with so many daffodils and crocuses. Every time I walk across to the old anatomy building I get a taste of summer (though it's not very warm!). I keep meaning to take a picture!

It seems to be a time of year for birthdays. I like to try and make presents to give people but with exams looming time gets in the way. I made some butterfly birthday cards the other day out of old magazines though...

In between birthdaying, babysitting and butterfly-carding I have been trying to get my head in the books. It's funny how much you feel like tidying your room, or rearranging stationary when you have a million other things to do!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Hmmm....where to start?

I've never tried this blogging malarchy...but hey, why not?!

So here goes...

I guess I shall just use it to ramble my rambliest thoughts and such.

Was back to uni this week...back to the final stretch before exams-eeeeek! If I'm honest it's quite nice to be back into the hectic routine (or should I say blurry mish-mash of lectures, PBL, SSC and a heap of other acrynoms)! But yeah...back to the books and the anatomy classes spent wondering around just about distinguishing fingers from toes!

Seeing as my Spring break has only just ended I thought I'd add a dash of the holidays with these...