Saturday, 24 December 2011

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Say cheese!

Photo times shall soon be returning...yippee!

Oooooh, look how pink she is...

Sunday, 4 December 2011


So, this morning I woke up to a garden covered in white.
Here's a little splash of sunshinefulness to stop you shivering...

I know, look how close I got to a bumble bee (so brave!) 

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

It's raining it's pouring...

Today is a very Edinburgh November day. Rather soggy.

All this rain has made me realise how lucky we've been with the weather lately. This was October...

Portobello beach, October 2011

I know! The beach in October, who'd have thought it?! part is there was even ice cream. I do hate to ramble on about it so much...but...sea salt and caramel ice cream. Om nom nom nom.

I know it's a bit boring to write about weather, but it's nearly exams and I don't have a camera so do forgive me. Having said that, this was a stupendous October day and had I been keeping this thing up to scratch back then it'd have definitely made the cut. Waffling over. OVER AND OUT.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Hello Mr Fox

This is on a bin near where I live and study...

Fun isn't it? I really like it. But then I'm a foxaholic.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Snuffle snuffle sniff sniff...

I'm feeling rather sorry for myself.

Thankfully Chris knows the perfect cure...


Sunday, 6 November 2011

Icy Sunshine

I'm starting to get a tad fed up with this whole having no camera malarky.

Today was a perfectly sunny but crispy cold day. My phone camera just couldn't capture the magic so just imagine in your head the most beautiful blue sky over an Edinburgh skyline and the Crags on a chilly day.

Oh, how wonderful!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

With sparklers

Remember remember the 5th of November...

So it's Guy Falkes night and to celebrate we're going to swirl with sparklers and perhaps even a few fireworks tonight. I'm excited because, as the name of this blog suggests, I am rather a fan of sparkles. 

It's been a nice few days with a nice few things.

Here are some bonfirey crispy cakes to make you feel all Guy Falkesy...

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

What're you supposed to be?

Having lost my camera in a wine-and-much-hilarity related incident it's a bit tricky to keep this thing spik'n'span. So I was pondering over how to solve such a problem and decided to do some Facebook photo stealing in the meantime until my flamboyant new sexy pink, Lady Penelope style camera arrives (I know, it's terribly exciting!). This week has been jam packed with fun bits. I would have been hard for it not to be a spectacular week because the clocks went back. Yes. That's the good one. A whole extra hour for which to enjoy :) YUM. It's starting to feel a lot like winter too. I know most people generally prefer summer and don't get me wrong, I love sunshine, but there's something quite nice and cosy about the dark late afternoons and evenings. Well at least to start with anyway. We also had Halloween this week where I backcombed bigstyle to become Scary Spice (I say bigstyle.... but my hair was already pretty 'enthusiastic' to begin with).
I know what your thinking...OH MY MY ARE THOSE REAL EYEBALLS?!?! No, they're just marshmallows, don't panic. Oh and one last thing. We had a potluck supper of delightfully yummy things the other week...
Over and out.

Saturday, 29 October 2011


I've been having all sorts of fun rowing boats and climbing trees. It was most magnificent.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Guess who's back?!

Oh hello. Yes that would be me.

So, nearly a year on from when I last blogged. My oh my!

Well here's a summary of then til now:

It snowed lots and I sat some yucky exams

I learned some doctor stuff

Cake was consumed in vast quantities

I turned 20

A wee trip to London town

Some revision happened

Will and Kate got married

We got dressed up

Summer got filled with festival and ice cream

Hoops got hula-ed

And I met a nice boy (and mastered the etchasketch)

Whaoh! Think that's it.

Over and out.